Our Israel Resilience Campaign Team Page

Eliana Schwartz

Eliana Schwartz

Jewish National Fund-USA is on the ground with communities in the south devastated by the attacks, ensuring immediate needs are met and future requirements are fulfilled. We have worked closely with these southern communities for decades. We know them better than anyone else, and will be there when they start to rebuild their lives in the future. I am supporting JNF-USA's $10 million Israel Resilience Campaign to fund these needs:

·     Evacuating 10,000 residents from Gaza border communities to safer places—the State covers the evacuation of everyone within 4 kilometers of the Gaza border but everyone within 7 kilometers must be evacuated – the entire area has become a closed military zone. We have evacuated 2,200 people to the Eilot region, 1,500 people to Ramat Hanegev, 1,500 people to Central Arava, and more every day.
·     Providing evacuees with necessary supplies such as bedding, toiletries, clothing, etc.
·     Providing firefighting and protective equipment for civil defense – the first responders to community emergencies -- including radios, bulletproof vests, helmets, and tactical clothing.
·     Providing high-quality psychological treatment for civilians, including children, who have experienced this catastrophe firsthand.
·     Providing respite activities for the children traumatized by terror.
·     Going from home to home in the cities of Sderot, Ofakim, and Arad to help the elderly, the infirmed, and the needy with food and medicine.
·     Promising to rebuild communities devastated by the attacks and keep the spirits and hopes of the people who live there, strong.
·     Caring for the children whose parents are on the Ovda Airforce Base in the Negev so the parents can continue their vital work protecting our homeland.

We support 10 Gaza Envelope communities most closely, including those hardest hit such as Sderot, Kissufim, and others. One of our communities, Kibbutz Reim was the site of the Nova Music Festival where 3,000 young people gathered to celebrate peace and music. So far, 260 attendees are among those massacred by Hamas gunmen and many were kidnapped from the festival and taken hostage.

We are preparing our community partners in the north for the possibility of an expanded conflict by requisitioning portable bomb shelters for community spaces.

Israelis are feeling like this is their 9/11 – yet proportionally at a per-capita scale 6x the magnitude. This attack has decimated many communities, but they will never destroy our spirit. We stand together, as one Jewish community, ready to help Israelis in this difficult time. Am Yisrael Chai.


raised of $100,000 goal

3 Fundraisers

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Recent Donations

Marc Harris$500
Congratulations, enjoyed being with the family!
Gealia Singer$180
Julie Kahn$180
Robert & Erica Schwartz$18,000
Amy Landy$360
Mazel Tov!
Judith Tykocinski$100
Michele & William Spielfogel$500
Jonathan & Laura Heller$500
Danielle Novetsky Friedman$500
Mazal tov Eliana! You were UNREAL!
Andrew Rechtschaffen$360
Mazal Tov Eliana! We are very proud of you and what you have already accomplished. And we look forward to cheering you on in all of your future endeavors. Love, Monique and Andrew
Kenneth Rochlin$500
Audrey Goldstein$500
Amy Kellogg$1,000
Jay Harris$250
Rina & Zach Kestenbaum$180
Mazal Tov Eliana! What a wonderful project you chose.
Marc Yoskowitz$1,000
Lane Harris$180
Mazel Tov!
Beth Orbach$180
Ilana Milstein$360
Mazal tov - you did an amazing job. Love, the Milstein’s
Mara and Elliot Attie$180
Mazal Tov Eliana! Paula was so happy to celebrate with you!
Esther and Kenny Rubinstein$1,000
Mazal tov, Eli!! You are a rock star!!! Xo
Lenore & Ben Brachot$360
Mazal Tov Eliana!
carin gribetz$720
Shelley Levine$1,000
Mazal tov! Eliiana, you were remarkable, read your parsha, shared words of wisdom to your friends and family and choosing to support Kibbutz Reim in lieu of presents is a deeply meaningful way to enter Jewish adulthood. Love, Shelley & Larry
Suzanne Schwartz$500
Harvey Schwartz$500
So happy to contribute in honor of your Bat Mitzvah
Anna gribetz$360
Judith Ottensoser$613
Mazel tov! Great cause. We are so proud of you!!
Miller Family$500
Mazal Tov on your Bat Mitzvah!
Nicole Fisher$180
Honey Geller$180
Extraordinary gesture! Mazel Tov!! Honey & Arnie Geller
elyse and david efron$180
Mazel tov, Eliana!! So proud of you!!!!
Jessica Kaplan$500
Mazel tov!
Debbie schwartz$500
Mazel tov Eliana!
Joshua Lookstein$250
Lani and Jason Kollander$500
Mazal Tov! Beautiful project! The Kollander’s
Margot Marans$1,000
Greenberg Family$180
Mazel tov Eliana! We are so proud of you!
Becca & Marc Strongin$500
Mazel tov, Eliana! Such a meaningful cause. With love, Becca & Marc
Joanna and Emil Kleinhaus$360
Jknathan Lasner$360
Deena and Adam Shiff$1,000
Michael & Erica Distenfeld$1,000
wendy austern$500
Joy kleeger$180
We are so proud of you Eliana! What a beautiful way to mark this special milestone.
Avi Moche$1,800
Elizabeth Pinewski$500
jody a levine$100
Mazal Tov Eliana!! XO, Jody and Elie Levine
zalmie jacobs$1,000
Mazel Tov! The Jacobs Family
Shirley Boyarsky$100
Mazal tov, Eliana!
Richard and Debbie Born$500
Kol ha Kavod on choosing a meaningful project for your Bat Mitzvah. Mazal Tov Debbie and Richard Born
David and Gabriella Fridman$1,000
Mazal tov Eliana! This is incredible. You will make a big impact.
Randi and David Sultan$500
Suri and Kenny Cohen$1,000
Mazel Tov Eliana
Jillian Miller$250
Mazel Tov! Love, The Millers
Sara Shemia$500
Steven gross$360
beautiful idea. so sad that its necessary.
Julie Kopel$500
Mazel Tov Eliana!
Robyn Stonehill$720
Mazal Tov! What an important initiative!
Rachel and Daniel Kraus$180
rita distenfeld$1,000
Kol Hakavod! Amazing project!
Lizzy and Josh Trump$1,000
Jacquline & Jason Friedland$500
Jessica Gribetz$500
Eli--I am so proud of you and your choice. I love you so much. love, jess
Sharyn Gold$1,000
What a beautiful way to celebrate by helping others…thrilled to participate. Mazel Tov! Wishing you a lifetime of love, smiles and celebrations. xo, the Gold crew
Sylvia Fisher$180
Abby and Josh Kaufthal and family$500
Mazel tov Eliana! What an amazing project !
Perah Dwek$500
Stephanie and Jonathan Freilich$360
Mazal Tov Eliana! Such an important cause
Daniele Bleier$1,000
Ruthie Talansky$1,000
Marcel Kremer$1,000
Marilyn Meltzer$100
Mazal Tov and best wishes!
Kim Pekofsky Kushner$360
Herbert Harris$500
We’re very proud of you Judie and Herb
Shirley Kaplan$500
Nanci Bramson$180
We are so proud of you. Thank you for this wonderful project. Much love, Nanci and Jim
Shira and David Perl$500
Mazal Tov on your Bat Mtizvah. We are so happy to be a part of this worthy project.
janet feldman$500
Mazal Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. And Kol Hakavod on doing this for this Kibbutz.
Sue Talansky$360
Lisa Reik$1,800
Much Mazel and happiness to Eliana and the whole family! With love, Lisa, Lauren, Itamar , Maya
Michael Kaplan$500
Mazal tov and what a great cause