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Rabbi Barras Temple Beth Am Page

Jeremy Barras

Jeremy Barras

Help Temple Beth Am raise $100,000 to build a school bomb shelter in Israel to meet the growing emergency needs of our brothers and sisters whose lives have been turned upside down in Israel.

300,000 people have been evacuated from Southern and Northern Israel since October 7. Many of these are children who are now unable to continue their school studies. More bomb shelters are needed to accommodate the population growth in the areas that absorbed the evacuated children and families.

Temple Beth Am has a goal to raise $100,000 for one of these shelters to ensure that children who have been traumatized by terror can learn and grow in safety.

JNF-USA has been building bomb shelters for decades. We are proud to be partnering with them during this crisis.

Am Yisrael Chai!

To donate via check, please send to
78 Randall Avenue
Rockville Center, NY, 11570
Attn: Gabrielle Goldfarb/ Sharona Whisler
Memo: P2P Bomb Shelter from Temple Beth Am


raised of $100,000 goal

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