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In Memory of Robert Tabak, z"l

Created by Alan Fisher

Alan Fisher

Dear JNF Northern California Board, Please join us in sending heartfelt condolences to Marlene and Gadi Maier and their family, on the passing of Marlene's father, Robert Tabak, z"l, on Saturday, January 17th. We send our thoughts and prayers to everyone in the Maier family. In the tradition of planting trees in Israel at such times, as a living memorial, we are proud to honor the Past President of JNF Northern California with a contribution to JNF by our Board in her father's memory. And because JNF is about much more than trees, our Board's gift will be directed to JNF's partner, Nefesh B'Nefesh. There is currently a challenge grant in place that will match up to $50,000 from our area to Nefesh B'Nefesh. More importantly, Nefesh B'Nefesh has reinvigorated Aliyah from North America and created the lone-soldier program to support those who come without family to Israel to serve as they make Aliyah. In light of that Marlene and Gadi now split their time between here and Israel, and that their son preceded them as a lone soldier, we feel this is the right gift in memory of Marlene's father. Barbara and I will make a contribution of $X as part of the effort, and we hope you will join us. May Marlene, Gadi, and their family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, Alan Fisher and Barbara Sommer

Please help me support Jewish National Fund by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will help the memory of my loved one live on and help to support the land and people of Israel. The donations and Tzedakah I raise for my loved one are so meaningful to me.

Guest Book


Recent Donations

Francine Gani$1,800
Frances Lee Kaufman$1,000
Chris Barlow$500
Stacy Mason$200
Jerome Spector$36
Leonard Tramiel$100
Marsha Epstein$100
Barbara Gordon$100
Sharon Joy$118
Alan Fisher$1,000
Francine Gani$1,800
Frances Lee Kaufman$1,000
Chris Barlow$500
Stacy Mason$200
Jerome Spector$36
Leonard Tramiel$100
Marsha Epstein$100
Barbara Gordon$100
Sharon Joy$118
Alan Fisher$1,000