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In Memory of Harlan Goldberg (1945-2016)

Created by Brianna Goldberg

Brianna Goldberg

My father, Harlan Goldberg, loved Israel, both as a historic place and as a concept. He was always studying about the history of Israel in his Biblical Archeology magazine or various websites, and was an advocate for its future. He was fortunate enough to visit Israel several years ago and always talked about wanting to return. We created this memorial in his honor because helping the people, the land, and the State of Israel was a cause very near to his heart. Thank you for your donation in his honor.

Please help me support Jewish National Fund by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will help the memory of my loved one live on and help to support the land and people of Israel. The donations and Tzedakah I raise for my loved one are so meaningful to me.

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Recent Donations

Curtis Miller$36
Robert Christman$100
Karen Bryant$100