"I raised money for Israelis with disabilities, and in addition, earned a grant towards my tuition to the TRY program. I’m writing to say thank you. I’ve wanted to attend TRY for a couple of years, and without Dream Israel, I don’t know if being here would’ve been possible. I’m having a blast on TRY and I’m so glad I get to have this experience. I’m learning about the history of the Jewish people whilst touring around the land where it occurred. I’m also very glad that I got to raise money for people with disabilities. With my uncle having Fragile X syndrome, people with special needs have a special place in my heart." – Maayan S.
"I raised money for the Arava Institute, which I saw when I stayed at Kibbutz Ktura. Thank you so much Dream Israel for making it possible for me to travel to Israel for the first time! Being on this program means I can learn more about present day Israeli politics, understand them, and know how to be better a Jewish advocate."
– Gemma G.
"Thank you so much Dream Israel for helping me come on TRY! Being on this program has been a very life-changing and truly meaningful experience. I have had so many great memories and had so much fun with all my friends. I have learned so much about Judaism and Israel with an amazing approach to learning that is both fun and makes me think. Being in Israel has allowed me to connect to Judaism more than I ever have before and think about my Jewish identity for the future and my connection to Israel. I'm so happy I decided to go on this program. It has been a great three and a half months. I'm excited for the last couple weeks but will be very sad to leave at the end. Thank you so much!" – Leo W.
"I raised money for the Sderot Indoor Recreational Center. This project has become more important to me as I have learned more about the conflict and situation in Gaza. I want to thank Dream Israel for helping me go on TRY! They were extremely generous and took a huge weight off my shoulders. Being on this program has been incredible so far, and I’ve learned so much about Israel’s history and my connection to this wonderful state!" – Maya R.
"I fundraised for the Fire and Rescue Services project because I wanted to make sure that Israel has the resources she needs to fight fires. Thank you, Dream Israel for allowing me to give back and go to Israel, having the best semester of my life!"
– Asher B.
"Thank you so much Dream Israel for making it possible for me to go on this incredible experience. The act of fundraising myself really allowed me to take a unique sense of ownership over my time here and I am truly grateful for it. Also, knowing that I am benefiting another group of people with the money I raised is very special. Being in Israel has truly been a dream, I have seen my Jewish and personal identities grow and I’m so so so grateful!" – Shira L.