Jesse Dulkin's JNF: Dream Israel project
Jesse Dulkin
Jesse Dulkin
I am Jesse Dulkin, a student at Hopkins High School in Minnesota. I'm participating in the JNF Dream Israel Teen Initiative, which helps raise funds to help Israel and Israelis, and gives financial aid to teens doing programs in Israel. The money I raise on this will go to environmental studies scholarships for students at the Arava Institute, which helps train people to help the environment in the Middle East.
If I meet my fundraising goal, JNF will provide me with a grant towards my tuition to the TRY Program (Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim), an 18 week program where I will be attending high school in Israel, which will help strengthen my connection to the land of Israel and the Hebrew Language. Please consider donating, not only to help me attend TRY, but to help train environmental leaders who will help save our planet.
If I meet my fundraising goal, JNF will provide me with a grant towards my tuition to the TRY Program (Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim), an 18 week program where I will be attending high school in Israel, which will help strengthen my connection to the land of Israel and the Hebrew Language. Please consider donating, not only to help me attend TRY, but to help train environmental leaders who will help save our planet.