Rosenbloom Religious School Community

Rosenbloom Religious School Community

Rosenbloom Religious school Community

Please help RRS plant trees in Israel in celebration of Israel's 75th Birthday! You can donate below, as well as share this fundraiser with your family and friends.

Together, let's plant a forest!

Tomorrow is the big day! We look forward to welcoming all our RRS student bowlers for Bo Lishtol tomorrow morning! Additionally, we have SURPASSED our new goal of $3,000, after already blowing by our previous goal! We are so incredibly grateful to our Rosenbloom Religious School community for making such generous contributions towards planting trees in Israel, as well as driving such great enthusiasm for Sunday's celebration!


Another shot of Rabbi Seltzer working on space to plant a new tree in Israel.

Here are a couple of throwback pictures of Rabbi Seltzer planting trees in Israel in the '90s!


Come visit and take a look at our "live tree tracker" just outside the Religious School office!


Another strike about to be thrown!

One of our youngest bowlers lines up his next shot!

This past Sunday, our youngest students got to learn about the Bo Lishtol program!


Another ace bowler steps up to the lane!

The most casual strike you'll ever see!

Already getting a few frames of practice in!

Rabbi Seltzer introducing the phrase "Bo Lishtol" to our students.

We can't wait to celebrate with our students! Tonight marks the beginning of our tzedakah collection drive - all tzedakah brought into Rosenbloom Religious School from now until April 30 will go towards planting trees in Israel!


raised of $3,000 goal

3 Fundraisers

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Recent Donations

RRS Tzedakah collection$713
RRS student tzedakah collection in honor of Israel's 75th birthday.
Rabbi Stuart Seltzer$100
Rosenbloom Religious School plants for the future! Thank you for giving Israel such an important gift!
Rabbi Debi Wechsler$100
Awesome job! Happy Birthday Israel!
Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg$200
Great Job RRS!
Michelle Richman$36
Orly Purrio$50
יום עצמאות שמח❤️🇮🇱🎉
Courtney Weiner$36
Steve Heller$18
In support of Noa Reynolds’ participation in the tree-planting campaign for bo lishtol.
Steve Heller$18
In support of Micah Reynolds’ participation in the tree-planting campaign for bo lishtol.
Stacey Weber$36
Melissa Macht$36
Teri Jedeikin$18
Malakai Rosenstein
Marcie and Stephen Swirnow$54
Nina Ungar$18
Lauren Perlin$18
Chantal Reznik$18
Tree donated from-: Chantal Reznik Rose Haas Ethan Litofsky
Meira Silverstein$18
In honor of our daughter Adinah Fiterstein
Rivka Glaser$18
Glaser/Weisberg family
Alli Muser$18
Sheldon and Arlene Bearman$54
Michelle Kurman$36
Jean Sommers$50
In honor of my wonderful daugher, son in law and grandson. I love you all so much.
Bearman Lindsay$54
Scott Shapiro$90
Alethea Gallant$36
Rachel F. Mogilevsky$36
Happy 75th birthday!! Love, The Mogilevsky Family
M H$36
Jonathan Golub$36
Jennifer Glovitch$180
Sarah Manekin$36
The Densky Family$180
vered Nusinov (Noa)$100
Heidi Topaz$54
Sean Heitt$36
Donation on behalf of the Heitt family.
Stern Family$36
Stern Family
Natalie T Hendler$90
Nancy Maenner and Sam Friedman$90
Joseph and Lisa Zajdel$36
May these two trees grow as healthy and strong as our two children "B'ezrat HaShem"
Lauren Reynolds$36
Samantha Knight$18
The Knight Family
Carly Levin$100
Diane Pressman$54
Jeffrey Davis$75
Happy 75th Israel!
Jayne Gerson$54
From Fletcher and family
Stephen Gluck$18
Stacey Verstandig$36
Nathan Blumberg$90
Love, Amanda, Valerie, Victoria, Nathan & Oreo Blumberg
Jennifer Fox$36
Rachael Silverblatt$18
Seth Silverblatt Love, Mom and Dad
David Schimmel$18
We love RRS!!!!
David Schneyer$36
Rebecca Steller$54
Amy Massouda$18
Kristin Finkelstein$150
From Nathan, Lucy, Benjamin and Elizabeth Finkelstein
The Tuorto Family$90
Looking forward to the celebration!
Mindy and Jeff Rosen$36
The Blavatt Family$90
Rich and Laura Reaven$36
Rabbi Stuart Seltzer$72
Excited to see our garden grow!
Pnina Moschel$18
Elysa Lipsky$18
lindsay klatsky$18
Deborah Harburger$18
Karli Ross$18
Sheila Weiss$36
Melissa Berman$72
Excited to help Rosenbloom Religious School reach our goal! Happy Birthday Israel!
Let's get this party started!!