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My Jewish National Fund Forestry & Green Innovations Fundraising Page

Sinai Temple

Sinai Temple

Tu BiShvat, the New Year of the Trees, is here! After such devastation befell the land of Israel on October 7th, it is time to rebuild and replant. Tree by tree, we have an opportunity to allow Israel to bloom again.

In celebration of Tu BiShvat, Sinai Temple is planting a grove of trees in the Eshkol region in Southern Israel through Jewish National Fund-USA.

Honor a loved one, and celebrate a special occasion by planting with us in Israel.

Tree pricing:
$54 Ring of 3 trees

$90 Circle of 5 trees

$180 Orchard of 10 trees

$500 Garden of 100 trees

$5000 Grove of 1000 trees

$10,000 Wood of 2000 trees

$25,000 Parkland of $5000 trees

$50,000 Forest of $10,000 trees


raised of $50,000 goal

Recent Donations

Susan Eshaghian$306
Angela Maddahi$500
The Zoolman Family 🌲$18
Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱🌳
Angela Maddahi$360
Angela Maddahi$250
Angela Maddahi$500
Donald Salem$500
In honor and memory of Roen Salem
Jay ay$5
Mona Javdan$90
Rhonda Nail$18
Andrea Sidorow$180
Lorraine Weinstock$100
Mount Sinai$18
Sandy Bettelman$500
Alisa Shaked$90
In loving memory of my dad, Dr Mike Bromberg DDS who loved Israel and supported her unwaveringly. Am Yisrael Chai!
Janet Emral Shaool$90
In memory of Robin Handler from Mansoor and Janet Emral Shaool
Janet Emral Shaool$54
In Memory of Robert Weiss from Mansoor and Janet Emral Shaool
Lili Shafai$54
Angela Maddahi$500
In memory of Dr. Saeed Yadegar
Bradley Artson$36
This is exactly the kind of solidarity we need today: for the people and for the land of Israel
Stephen Nitzberg and Edith Nitzberg$54
In Memory of Family Yahrzits
Jim Savitz$750
Aviva Biederman$54
Muriel Waterman$180
Arezou Berghoff$180
Sylvia hakim$1,000
In honor of shirin and Shaw SHAHERY and their families.
Ayelet Rosen$90
In loving memory of Elie Vrobeli
Magda Weisz$180
In honour of George Vero
Amanda Maddahi$100
In honor of my grandmother Nora's 2nd Bat-Mitzvah
Judy rosenberg$500
Larry Hochberg$90
Gila Sabet$54
Rosa Berman Ruder$180
Linda Camras$54
Nader Mossanen$90
Dora Levy Mahboubi$180
Howard Brandes$54
Alicia Rosenberg$500
Grace Levine$36
Pamela Goldman$90
Zev Raben$118
Judy Rosenberg$500
Brittney Skura$54
Jasmine Berookim$54
Rony Sawdayi$54
Linda Camras$180
Judy and jerry rosenberg$500
Yassaman Bolour$180
Happy 2nd Bat Mizvah Nora joon
Erez Sherman$360
On this Tu Bishvat, the Sinai Temple Clergy are proud to help Israel bloom again.
lily nathan$20
Abby Kirschenbaum$135
Yassaman Hariri$126
Am Ysrael Chai
Rozi Ebrami$90
Veronica Schweitzer$108
Nora Chaouli Rakow$500
Meira Meyers$90
Deborah Levine$90
Morris Eshaghpour$126
For the good health and long life of family members. Thanking H'shem for my recovery from a serious illment.
Morris Eshaghpour$54
In giving thanks to H'shem for my recover from the surgical operation which was successfull.
Pouran Nazarian & Famiky$500
Best wishes to Nora Chaouli on her Bat Mitzvah
allen shadgoo$54
Michele and Joe Gabai$54
This donation is in honor of Nora Rakow’s 2nd Bat Mitzvah.
Anna Fogelman$90
Ima & Esmail Eshaghoff$360
Mayrav Gaslin$18
Sherri Ghodsian$90
David Aftergood$180
Farahnaz Safaie Kia$180
Congratulations on your 2nd Batmitzvah. With love
Nazila Ahdoot$18
Nicole Kohanoff$36
Katie Hed$180
A gift from Sinai Akiba’s Classroom 76, ages 3 and 4, in celebration of Tu Bishvat and in remembrance of those we lost on October 7. Am Yisrael Chai
Isaac & Soraya Nazarian$180
With many best wishes to our dear Nora Chauli Rakow on her second Bat Mitzvah day. We are proud of you. Great speech.
Jacki Karsh$500
In honor of those we lost on October 7th and as a testament to our unwavering commitment to the State of Israel, the parents of Sinai Akiba Academy's 1st Grade Class join together in dedicating a garden of 100 trees in Israel. May these trees grow tall and strong, echoing the resilience of the Jewish spirit and be a beacon of hope and renewal for all of Am Yisrael.
Diane Marder$180
Rozi Ebrami$90
Mark Haloossim$300
Joel Weinstein$500
In Memory of Edith K. Weinstein Weinstein/Eisen Family
Janice Miller$90
In loving memory of my Mother Pearl Freelings Yarzeit this month.
Elise Dorne$90
Mitra Irani$54
Nayer Farasat$126
Lara Farasat$180
Fahimeh David$90
Faith Gershbock$36
Lea Loewinger$360
danielle kassin$36
Rachelle Marcus$18
Dear Nora Mazel Tov on Bat Mitzvah #2
Janet Rivani Shirazi$180
Nora jaan, Mazal Tov! Wishing you all the blessings. Janet Rivani Shirazi
Angela and Jamshid Maddahi$500
Susan Lopez Gisd$360
Sara & Omid kashani$252
Like the trees we plant, may Israel be everlasting and flourish 🙏
Simin Neman$250
Nora June, congratulations on your second Bat-Mitzvah. May you enjoy many years of joy good health and blessings with your lovely family. Simin & Eshagh Neman
Jennifer Malvin$54
May every member of Sinai Temple be a root in Israel's Tree of Life.
Aryell Cohen$90
In honor of Nora Rakow's 2nd Bat Mitzvah
Parvin kadisha$200
Happy birthday and happy 2nd Bat Mitzvah . We are so proud of you❤️
Guity Beroukim$180
Happy 2nd Bat Mizvah Nora joon
Ezra Chaouli$90
Ezra Chaouli$180
Dariush Maddahi$180
Mazal Tov. Wishing you all the blessings in life. Mojy and Dariush
Family David-Preston$180
In Honor of Nora Chaouli Rakow on her Bat-Mitzvah.
Manijeh Javahery$180
Maryam Maddahi$260
Congratulation and best wishes
Shanaz Farahi$90
Mazel tov, Nora! You are an inspiration! Looking forward to your special day!
Farzaneh Nourmand$126
Congratulations and all the best :-)
Parinaz Nourmand$180
Mazel Tov Nora Joon. You are truly an inspiration to us all xoxo
Monica Brik$90
Mazal Tov and Happy Birthday dear Nora. Wishing you health and happiness!
Cindy Zelkha$180
Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah. With best wishes from Cindy, Noah and Hannah.
Lida Dardashti$180
Congratulations and best wishes on this special occasion .
Majdolin zelkha$90
With best wishes for Nora Rakow
Anna tenenblatt$500
michelle Lamden$126
Soraya Nazarian$180
Mazal tov and best wishes
behnaz B. karlin$180
mazal tov on your accomplishments nora jon
Farideh Dardashti$150
Mazal Tov my dear friend and Happy Birthday
Elana Mourtil$180
Jacqueline Pouratian$150
May all your wishes come true, by all the good deeds you do.