Our Team Israel 12 & Under / Project Baseball Team Page

Team Israel - 12 & Under

Team Israel - 12 & Under

Please help us support our 12 & Under National team as we travel to Dubai for the Field of Peace Tournament in March. By making a contribution to our team and sharing this page with your family and friends, you can help develop peace and cooperation among our neighbors in the Middle East through baseball!!. Every dollar we raise will advance Jewish National Fund's great cause!

Together, we can make a difference!

Help us make it to Dubai and spread the word about Israel Baseball!!


raised of $100,000 goal

1 Fundraiser

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Recent Donations

Israel Monzon
Best wishes to the Israeli Baseball Association and the U12 team as they undertake this new journey. This is an important step towards growing our game and advancing the cause of a new and better Middle East for the coming generation. Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱!
Mali Schwartz$180
For Daniel Sterngold, Wishing you best of luck when you compete in Dubai. From Mali & Steve Schwartz
Josh Lipsky$150
baseball is the best!
Ira A Gewanter$18
Play for peace!
Sima Menora$100
This is so exciting! So proud of our boys (and Jordy!!)! Go Team!!
Rafael muller$25
Go Israel! We are rooting for you guys!
Bracha Schechter$25
David Katzper$100
In honor of Ari Katzper
Jordan Alter$100
In honor of Head Coach Louie and General Manager Peter
Leah and Allen Zeiger$36
In honor of Coach Shlomo Lipman
Mark & Karen Sachs$100
In support of our grandson Aaron Sachs
Caitlin Pozmanter and Sean Maxon$25
Good Luck!
Murray and Lynn Pozmanter$50
Good luck!
More baseball less politics
Jonathan Finkelstein$54
In honor of teammate Yehuda Z. Finkelstein, Givatayim, ISRAEL. Be safe and keep healthy!
Howard spielman
Gabe Goldhirsh