Our Project Baseball Team Page

Team Glasser

Team Glasser

Please help us support Jewish National Fund-USA by making a contribution to our team and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar we raise will advance Jewish National Fund-USA's great cause!

Together, we can make a difference!


raised of $25,000 goal

2 Fundraisers

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Recent Donations

Matt Parrington$50
So proud of your accomplishments!
Hanna Phillips$30
So proud of you Mitchy!!!
Sheri H Simon$118
Mitch - We are so proud of you and the team and happy to support what we know will be a lifetime commitment for you! Fondly The Cupkovic Family Sheri, Wally, Lucas and Zack
shaina young$50
I have been following your adventure in the Olympics -- Mazel Tov on games well played. May your adventures continue in good health and happiness.
Stuart Handler
Glad to donate to such a worthy cause. You, personally, should be proud of the job you did for your team. You held up your end. That’s all you can ask of yourself. After all, baseball is a team sport. See you in Sanibel!
Andrew & Sheri Levin$100
Lauren and Jason Rosenberg
Mazel Tov Mitch and Team Israel!!
John & Elizabeth Ford$50
Congratulations on your achievement and GOOD LUCK from all of us, including from two of your favorite fans, Parker and Owen!!
Frances M Johnson$250
The Best in Baseball, Mitch Glasser & Team Israel! Love, Fran
Ralph Glasser MD$2,000
WTG Mitch!!! Torah, Torah, Torah!!! Love Aunt Diane & Uncle Ralph
Michael Glasser$500
Thrilled to support Mitch, Team Israel and to support future of this great sport in our homeland.
Marlene Levy$72
wishing Team Israel much mazel. your dad is very proud of you and the whole team
Simon Family, Alex, Josh, Abby and Howie$250
Such a fantastic story. Run great in Tokyo. Sending good karma, we were in Tokyo s few years and Josh will be studying in Jerusalem in August.
Jan & Jerry Rotter$50
Good luck!
ethan bensinger$150
Paul Keidan$100
Good luck team Israel. You have already made us proud, can't wait to see the happy ending to this great story!!
Scott Golden$100
Thank you Mike Glasser for the great Webinar. Best of luck to Mitch and Team Israeli
Sam Gross$100
Ron Abrams$50
Jay Tarshis$100
Mitch, I remember when you were a little pisher. Who knew this day would come? Have a great time. You have dome your family proud.
Stacie Young$100
Congrats, good luck, and have fun!!
Nancy Jarvinen
Dan Starzyk$50
Mitch, congrats! Have fun and take in the whole experience!
Jay Johnson$250
Mitch, Cindy and I wish you a wonderful experience. You have work hard to achieve this extremely elite goal. Congratulations.
Allen paul$100
Dorian L Bezanis$250
Andrea Raila$250
Good luck Mitch! Rooting for you and your dad!!
Robert Jaffee$250
Go Team Israel!
Andrew Newman
Go team Israel
Sally Rosen$100
Let's Go Mitch and Team Israel!
David Fiore$100
Mitch is the Man!
Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Rothman$250
The legacy continues!
Leslie and Scott Westfall$250
Go Team Israel!
Michael Zedek
Keep winning, no matter the score.
Matt Phillips$100
Go Mitchy poo
Julie Mazer
Go Team Israel !
Larry Kalman$100
From Mitchi field to Tokyo - quite the journey. We knew you were special when hitting and playing catch with you at 3. We are not surprised with all your efforts and determination that you are performing at this high level. Best of luck and success in all things.
Debra Butler$50
Good luck team Israel
Jeffrey Phillips$100
Bring home the Gold, Mitchy!
Daniel Wolman$118
With this donation, I request that you bat over .500 and hit for a cycle!! Go Israel!!
Jacquie Phillips$50
Congrats Cousin Mitch! Love, Parker & Sloane
Marty Keidan$118
Congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful experience of a lifetime!
Bob and Margo Wood$250
Go Team Israel! Can't wait to watch! Love, Margo & Bob
Charlie Phillips$250
Congrats Mitch - love the Phillips
Paul Keidan$100
Good luck Mitch and the rest of the team. Go win the gold!!
Zev and Neal$250
We hope you have an amazing time.. and great success!
Inkle the Dog$25
Mitch, have a doggone good trip! Inkle
Lalia & Jan$250
So proud of you, Mitch. What an incredible life opportunity! GO GET 'EM!
Pam Glasser Phillips Weston$250
Can’t wait to proudly wear that jersey ! Lol. Congrats Mitch. We are so proud of you. Love, MFA
Ralph & Diane Glasser$100
Torah! Torah! Torah!
Eric Phillips$20
Way to go Mitchy Poo Poo
Frances M Johnson$250
It's my honor to make this contribution. Go Team Israel!
Getting the cadoor rollin'