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My MAKOM Fundraising Page
L Rose
L Rose
With approximately 70,000 evacuees from the south and 60,000 evacuees from the north, MAKOM has expanded its operations from 30 cities to 49 cities across Israel that are caring for evacuees. In addition, we are operating in 17 cities that are within close proximity to borders and have residents who have not been evacuated. Our circles have expanded significantly, opening our volunteer opportunities to over 100,000 people who have been taking part in our volunteer activities. All of this is happening while 25% of our regular volunteers are in reserve duty.
Activities with 106,690 evacuees:
• 35,470 children and youth are participating in regular educational activities including school-related programs, sports, therapy and emotional assistance provided by volunteers from our Educators and Artists communities. We took part in opening 17 preschools and kindergartens at hotels to provide stability for young children.
• 59,275 are receiving food, clothing, laundry & haircuts, toiletries, books, games, etc. whatever basics we are able to provide through donations, volunteers and with assistance of additional volunteering organizations.
• 4,460 participated in art, music, theater programs being provided by volunteers from our Artists communities driving around and offering relief for children, teens and adults.
• 3,485 seniors and adults with special needs received wellness visits at hotels, making sure their needs are taken care of, and forwarded special needs to government social workers. We opened 12 activity rooms specifically for seniors with games, reading materials and daily group meetings.
Activities with 86,348 local residents in the North & South (who did not evacuate):
• 26,880 food packages were delivered to underserved populations: Ukrainian immigrants, seniors, adults with special needs, large families in need, unemployed.
• 6,697 children participated in activities at hospitals and across bomb shelters in cities still under attack.
• 47,850 volunteers were active in a variety of areas including packing & delivering food, babysitting, visiting seniors, driving people to medical treatments, setting up shivas, bar mitzvahs, brit milahs and weddings.
• 4,921 took part in cleaning, setting up and fixing bomb shelters that are now fully functioning.
Caring for 50,000+ soldiers and reservists across Israel:
• Tens of thousands of meals including shabbat meals are being prepared and delivered to army bases, including barbecues, pizzas, sandwiches, hot food.
• Opening homes for showers, laundry & essentials
• Assisting in organizing weddings and other family occasions
We stand together, as one Jewish community, helping each other during this difficult time, thanks to Jewish National Fund-USA and its strong supporters. Am Yisrael Chai!
Activities with 106,690 evacuees:
• 35,470 children and youth are participating in regular educational activities including school-related programs, sports, therapy and emotional assistance provided by volunteers from our Educators and Artists communities. We took part in opening 17 preschools and kindergartens at hotels to provide stability for young children.
• 59,275 are receiving food, clothing, laundry & haircuts, toiletries, books, games, etc. whatever basics we are able to provide through donations, volunteers and with assistance of additional volunteering organizations.
• 4,460 participated in art, music, theater programs being provided by volunteers from our Artists communities driving around and offering relief for children, teens and adults.
• 3,485 seniors and adults with special needs received wellness visits at hotels, making sure their needs are taken care of, and forwarded special needs to government social workers. We opened 12 activity rooms specifically for seniors with games, reading materials and daily group meetings.
Activities with 86,348 local residents in the North & South (who did not evacuate):
• 26,880 food packages were delivered to underserved populations: Ukrainian immigrants, seniors, adults with special needs, large families in need, unemployed.
• 6,697 children participated in activities at hospitals and across bomb shelters in cities still under attack.
• 47,850 volunteers were active in a variety of areas including packing & delivering food, babysitting, visiting seniors, driving people to medical treatments, setting up shivas, bar mitzvahs, brit milahs and weddings.
• 4,921 took part in cleaning, setting up and fixing bomb shelters that are now fully functioning.
Caring for 50,000+ soldiers and reservists across Israel:
• Tens of thousands of meals including shabbat meals are being prepared and delivered to army bases, including barbecues, pizzas, sandwiches, hot food.
• Opening homes for showers, laundry & essentials
• Assisting in organizing weddings and other family occasions
We stand together, as one Jewish community, helping each other during this difficult time, thanks to Jewish National Fund-USA and its strong supporters. Am Yisrael Chai!