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Dara Believes in Muss

Dara Shapiro

Dara Shapiro

I am a passionate Jewish National Fund-USA professional who has watched high school students cross the Alexander Muss High School in Israel campus for the last several years - and I've seen and heard firsthand the impact that this semester abroad experience has on so many students. The love of Israel that they feel when they come home from this trip is incredible. The knowledge that they gain about their Jewish history is amazing. This knowledge is so essential now, more than ever, when they have to be able to stand tall and proud as Jews even when those around them may judge them for their religion, or question Israel's right to exist.

I'm a parent of a teen who spent a summer at Alexander Muss High School in Israel, and had an incredible experience.

I truly believe that every student should have the opportunity to spend a summer or semester in Israel - it is an opportunity of growth, of learning, and of a lifetime.

Today, I ask you to please help me support Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) by contributing to this fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar raised will advance the cause of positive Zionist education and supporting the Jewish leaders of tomorrow.

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raised of $1,500 goal

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