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My Dream Israel Fundraising Page

Eli Strickon

Eli Strickon

I am excited to be participating in the Dream Israel Teen Initiative and raising funds for important projects in Israel. Jewish National Fund is supporting Israel and Israelis in a number of different ways. The money that participating teens are raising will go towards funding several important initiatives: Inclusion for Israel’s special needs population, support for the Sderot Indoor Recreation Center, Israel’s Fire and Rescue Services, Environmental Studies scholarships for students at the Arava Institute and AICAT, and for Project Baseball.

If I meet my fundraising goal, JNF will provide me with a grant towards my own Israel travel experience, ensuring my opportunity to meet Israelis whose lives have been changed due to our support, and to explore my own connection to the land and people of Israel. Please consider supporting this important initiative and my efforts to meet my fundraising goal.


raised of $5,000 goal

Trip Selected


Recent Donations

Brian and Harriet Pack$50
The Shabtaies$50
May this trip to Israel elevate you to even greater heights! Hatzlacha!
Oren Goldenberg$50
Kenneth Karan$2,530
Eli is an amazing person who keeps on accomplishing. He is an asset here and will be in Israel.
Aaron S.$5
אתה המלך
Joel Eckhardt$50
B’hatzlacha Eli
Anna Garner Strickon$50
You go Eli!
Rufuah sh’lemah for gantz Klal Yisroel!
In memory of Hillel Ben Yaakov
Robert Rabinoff$50
Good luck meeting your high goal -- very laudable to shoot for the stars!
Chaim Lampert$75
Justin Ribault$50
Diana Kahn$10
Thank you for helping Israel; I hope that you will volunteer while there! I worked at Tachlit in Jerusalem. They'd love your help! Best and Shalom, Diana
Adam Hellman$25
Diana Kramer$100
Sara Shani (Janine) Bridgeford$50
Much success in reaching your goal, Eli!
mishy & labe pittleman$180
Wendy Zeller$36
I wish you the best in meeting your goal and all the good work that will come of it!
Jeanette and Bruce Peckerman$54
Thank you
Molly Dubin$36
Yaacov Strickon$76
כל מה שאבא רוצה
Deborah Kalmar$100
Thank you, Eli, for your efforts. Chag Sameach!
Peggi and Bruce Glaser$36
Chana Elison$25
Hatzlacha raba!
Staci and Mark Maiman$72
Michele Meadows$25
Tziporah Altman-Shafer$25
Julie Schack$25
Am Yisrael Chai!
JoAnn Strickon$100
Tizku l'mitzvos! We are so proud of you!
Michele Fitzgerald$25
Scot Henry$25
Ari Friedman$50
Yosef Schlussel$36
IHO The Strickon Family! Go Eli!
Ari Ribault$25
This is a really special opportunity! It would be nice to see this bright star illuminate the people around him. イスラエルで会いましょう。imy"h
Sabrina Burger$50
Go Eli!
What a wonderful opportunity to help the people of Israel and the youth of our community! Giving to JNF is a great way to start the New Year!
d Weiner$50
making dreams come true. that's what i do.
David Strickon$100
It's good to dirty your hands with good Jewish soil! Plant a tree, milk a cow, type some code and support Israel! Oh, and have a good time doing it! Uncle David.