Our Jewish National Fund Forestry & Green Innovations Team Page

Amelie's Bat Mitzvah

Amelie's Bat Mitzvah

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raised of $3,000 goal

1 Fundraiser

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Paul Collison$200
Amy Kaiser$180
Mazal tov Amelie and to the whole family! I wish we were able to celebrate with you! xo Amy and Ken
Gordon ARBESS$250
Maria Rosela Donahower$360
Ryan Heisler$250
Mazel Tov! Ryan, Brenley, Brendan and Noah
Tammy Lederman$180
barclay Eckenroth$108
With love from the Eckenroth Family
Nalini Shivprasad$100
Steven, Milsy and Mason Davis$360
Amelie, mazel tov! We look forward to celebrating you!
Pamela Gross$180
Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Amelie! xo Howie & Pam Rosenoff
Marla Engelberg$360
Diane & Frank Engelberg$360
Amelie, Great to see you picked a very important project for your Bat Mitzvah, especially with an organization that your bubby Rosanne was active in. Mazel-tov to you & your family on this happy occasion.
Honorine Rouiller$180
Andrea Frankel$180
Mazel Tov Amelie and your entire family on the occasion of your Bat Mitzvah! Sending lots of love, Andrea and David (Rakoff).
emeri handler$180
Mazal Tov Amelie! Love to you and your family!! XOXO
Eve Sam and Peter Liberman and Sarah Soffer$180
We are so proud of you Amelie! Planting trees is a great way to nourish the planet and all of its creatures!
Marnie Greenwald$100
Mazal Tov on becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Love from the Greenwalds
Courtney Kline$20
Courtney Kline$160
Marcy Beraznik$180
Mazel tov Amelie! So sorry we can’t make it! Have a wonderful Bat Mitzvah! Beautiful project!
stephanie, barry and harper eisler$180
Mazel~Tov Amelie! We are so proud of you. You picked such worthy and wonderful initiatives, we simply could not choose one, so we chose both! Can't wait to celebrate you in May!
Auntie Laura, Uncle Jeff, Daphne & Zack$360
**Mazel Tov, Amelie!**
Robert Rapp$118
Jeremy Engelberg$360
George, Joey, Kate, Holden, Genevieve and Jeremy Engelberg
Arthur Liberman$500
Mark and Lori Shapiro$180
What an incredible bat mitzvah project. Mazel tov Amelie! xoxo
Frank Goldschleger$118
Lorne Goldberg$250
Dear Amelie, Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah! Rebecca and Lorne Goldberg
Peter Freer$250
David Steele$500
Arielle Liberman$200
Mazel tov, Amelie. I am so proud of the young woman you have become. ❤️
andrea b sepinwall$54