Nourishing the Hearts of Heroes: Support Shabbat Meals for Israeli Soldiers!

GCI Hoffman

GCI Hoffman

Here's an update:

It's hard to believe this war is still going on, and we are STILL COOKING and sending Shabbat food to our reserve soldiers in the North. I remember at the beginning of the war thinking, "What will we do for Pesach?" and then easily dismissing that thought. "Of COURSE we won't be cooking for Pesach!" Well... Pesach has come and gone, and we are now creeping up to the High Holidays, approaching a year since October 7th.

Yes, the army has thankfully managed to cover the soldiers' basic food needs. People ask, why are we still sending Shabbat food to the soldiers? Here's why: the army is feeding them, but an airplane meal or an extra schnitzel sandwich isn't proper Shabbat food. These brave soldiers are sacrificing their homes, comfortable beds, wives, children, and jobs to protect us. The least we can do is send them delicious, home-cooked, healthy meals so they can feel a touch of normalcy. They need to know we still care and that they are not forgotten by those of us who have resumed our daily routines.

It's hard to keep going. It's exhausting. It would be so much easier to just stop and let them manage without this. (Most other groups sending food, doing BBQs, etc. have stopped). But then, I overheard my 5-year-old son telling someone, "It's our job to send the soldiers food for Shabbat. If they're still fighting, then we're still going to cook." That gave me the boost I needed to keep going.

Our numbers are climbing again. Over the past few months, we sent two Shabbat meals to 100-200 soldiers. Now, we are sending to 200-400 soldiers. It costs us around $25 per soldier/Shabbat. We are all volunteers, with no one taking a salary. However, food costs are substantial, and our finances are running low. (I haven't even bought myself the commercial oven I desperately need!)

We urgently need your support to continue this vital mission. Please donate and help us keep sending Shabbat meals to our soldiers.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Yehudis & Nachman Hoffman and the Community of Tzvat

Original Post:
At the onset of the war, we embarked on a mission close to our hearts—ensuring that soldiers on reserve duty, who had been living on a steady diet of tuna, could savor the warmth of home-cooked Shabbat meals. What began as a modest effort to provide mehadrin food has blossomed into a passionate initiative led by Yehudis and a group of women in Tzfat.

Now, every week, we lovingly prepare nearly 1,000 meals for our Chayalim, our soldiers, making sure that the joy of Shabbat reaches them, whether they follow a kosher diet or not.

We need YOUR financial help, to sustain this heartfelt project!

Every Shabbat, it costs between $7,000 and $8,000 USD, depending on the weekend and the number of soldiers on the base. Your donation, in its entirety, goes directly toward covering the essential costs of providing these nourishing meals. We volunteer our time and energy, driven by a shared commitment to bringing a taste of home to our brave soldiers. (I will be buying a commercial-sized oven so I can make cooking more efficient. We have a TINY oven, which makes cooking 40 filets of salmon and a lot of other food really hard and very time-consuming).

Imagine the scene: these soldiers, many living in tents far from home, their ability to warm food limited by the lack of electricity. That's why we strive to send them meals that are not only delicious when hot but remain tasty even when enjoyed cold. In addition to Shabbat meals, I would like to send hot soup once a week to the soldiers living in pitched tents in the forest. They need a little extra to keep them going!

Recently, we received information indicating that the soldiers are anticipating an extended stay of at least 5 more months, if not longer. In light of this, we recognize the urgent need to launch a more substantial campaign to meet the escalating demands. We invite you to be part of a deeply personal movement that feeds both body and soul. Your donation makes a profound impact, allowing our soldiers to experience Shabbat with extra joy, a sense of connection, and the knowledge that they are not alone.

Thank you, from the depths of our hearts, for joining hands with us to make this personal and meaningful experience possible. Every cent of your donation is devoted to ensuring our soldiers enjoy a warm and uplifting Shabbat.

With love and gratitude,
Nathan & Yehudis Hoffman


raised of $200,000 goal

7 Fundraisers

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Recent Donations

Deborah Rosen$25.27
Marlene Silverman$100
This donation is in memory of our dear friend Burt Abramowitz. It is an honor to help our granddaughter feed the IDF in his memory.
Chava Goldzweig$85
Ruth Zimberg$75
Jodi גבריאלה פנינה Sugar$120
Aliyat neshama for Chaya bat Gabriel
Gittel Leider$100
Rochie Smetana$360
Leora Budd$25
Rivka Lazar$36
Hatzlacha with your amazing work! Thank you Yehudis!
Susan Weiss$180
Thank you Yehudis Silverman Hoffman & family! This is in honor of Michael M. Silverman of Pittsburgh Pa
Chava Goldzweig$76
Arlene Avimeleh Russo$50
Business Capita llc$18,000
honor zalman & shani silvermans wedding
Carlos Cardenas$250
Miriam Lauff$100
Debra and Jerry Goldkind$50
Schneur Z Silverman$12,500
Keep up the great work.
Rochel Tombosky$500
First installment of $500 of $5000 for credit card debt
Jeffrey Cohen$72
Eva Barach$1,000
August A Lento$500
From Jay & Binah Bindell
Chava Goldstein$72
Janice Bahary$100
Ron and Francine Hoffman$300
Deborah Rosen$45
Sharon Cosby$90
Tc Rosenthal$36
Yashar ko’ach Yehudis!
Daphne Sipos$300
danielle yokell$180
Janne Lomasky$108
Rosenthal Michael$50
Adina Goldstein$18
Channa Erdvin$100
Rochie Smetana$120
Bassie baruch$180
Eva Barach$300
sara amsalem$180
Keith Zimmet$500
Miriam l$72
Mushka Goorevitch$18
Tine vilandt Rasmussen$30
Chaya Cowen$180
Chassi Levertov$50
Alyssa Eisenstein$18
Miriam l$180
Moshe&SaraRivka Nash$54
Michael Weiss$2,000
Frances Saltzman$250
Rebecca Goldberg$100
Mindy&Mitchell Small$50
Lesley Rosenfeld$100
Nili Abrahams$180
Annette Poizner$500
Yisroel Altein$100
Hodaya Nahary$1,000
Deborah Rosen$70
Sarah Nelson$100
Debbie & Jerry Goldkind$100
Marlene Silverman$1,000
In honor of our newest great granddaughter Shira and her wonderful parents, Yehudis and Nathan
Hodaya Nahary$625
Ron and Francine Hoffman$500
In honor of our newest granddaughter Shira Ohr and for a beautiful family that supports the IDF with nourishing meals.
Robert Silverman$118
Andrea Gottlieb$100
Miriam l$200
Rochel Saks$180
Schneur Z Silverman$3,600
David Spiro$300
Barbara Saks$118
Fred &Trisha Margulies$360
Mark Lewis$360
David M. Silverman$360
In honor of our great niece, Shira Ore, and her parents, of whom we are so proud and thankful for the wonderful and delicious work that you do for the IDF. Am Israel Chai! Love, Uncle David & Erica
Amy Elkins$36
Rabbi Yosef and Fraydi Silverman$1,000
In honor of our new granddaughter Shira Or and all of our children and grandchildren.
Michele Popkin Kanner$100
Love your commitment toward feeding the soldiers. I'm an old friend of Nathan's mom.
Michael Krutolow$100
Brenda schwartz$100
Laura Huebner$360
Miriam l$200
Stephen Tannenbaum$36
Rivka Schochet$180
Menucha Davidson$20
Shlomo Silverman$33
Jordan Flamholz$50
Tizku Lmitzvot!
Marina A. Kaplan$54
In honor of my dear friend Tatyana in Tzfat. Shana Tova! Sholom v’Bracha from Cleveland Marina
Michaan Deborah$36
Micaela Raviv$18
Pinny & Rivky Herman$36
Mendel and Leah Kagan (perlman)$50
For all that you guys do and the safety of Israel!
Aidel Davidson$18
Frances Ross$200
Clara Rose$5
עם ישראל חי💙🤍
Caleb Unterlack$10
Ella Frank$18
Jacob Seletz$5
Noah Stern$5
Sara Weinstein$54
Ruben Safir$50
Chaim Shneur Zalman Weinstein$18
Thank for your amazing work Am Yisroel Chai Moshiach now!
Yanky and Devorah Leah Davidson$36
Mazel tov on the new baby!!!
rebecca ness$200
Rabbi Yosef and Fraydi Silverman$1,000
Kisiva vchasima tova lashanah tova oomesukah! Moshiach Now!
Chaya Rosenfeld$170
Debra Glazer$132
E&E Wiesenberg$180
Evalyn Feldman$100
Rivka Schochet$100
Mussie & Dov Levertov$118
Pinny & Rivky Herman$180
Sarita Brooks$150
Yosher Koach!
helene wushnev$36
May you go from strength to strength! And nothing like throwing in a precious brand new baby to the mix! You guys are truly Amazing - a real Inspiration to all of us!!!
Ariella Ruderman$36
Nossin and Ilana Hoen$100
Devorah Reizel$72
A good and sweet New Year, ktiva v'chatima tova
Dorothy Melvin$36
This is a donation from Shimonit Veen
Eytan Rosenthal$180
Miriam Weiss$200
Nancy Shlomo$250
Abby Gruber$100
Shana tova and thank you for all that you do
Julie Assayag$25
Kate Moryoussef$250
Aryeh Siegel$100
Avril Butbul$72
Mrs M Coleman$36
Sara Weinstein$20
Marni Swickle$100
Rivka Saks$118
Natan uvaydov$500
Thanks for all that you guys do. Amazing work
Sara Weinstein$50
Lieba and Zev Rudolph$180
Hatzlacha raba and Moshiach NOW!
Sheini Laine$180
Lynn Shiner$50
Rabbi Yosef and Fraydi Silverman$1,000
Naima Engel$115
Miriam Nudelman$100
Dorothy Melvin$118
Esther Goldzweig$200
aliza elkayam$100
Mike Siegel$50
Miriam l$180
Philip Sonnenklar$180
Thank you for all you are doing!
Robin Zuckerman$50
sheila Fine$1,000
Thank you for your incredible work ! The pleasures of such delicious food has to bring joy and shows the caring and appreciation for the soldiers away from home.
Gerry and George Tessler$100
Thank you for this wonderful work!
Sylvia Tzila Pilch$50
DONNA Cornell$100
Amy Cooper$54
Brian W Moidel$100
We are good friends of the Silverman family, David, Bob and Michael.
Dorothy Melvin$118
In memory A holocaust survivor who lost everyone and never had children. Jacob Camhi
Roberta Brody$50
Shelly Schapiro$90
Iris Samson$250
Marina Kaplan$54
In honor of Ruchama Fanya bat Moshe 23rd Yirtzeit In honor of my dear friend in Zfat Tatyana Tova bat Rosa Bracha for Miriam bat Ruchama Fanya Thanks! Please keep up your hard work for our soldiers
margaret harold$100
Michal bogachkov$36
Tzvi and Michal Bogachkov
Miriam l$180
Marlene Silverman$1,000
We are proud of our wonderful granddaughter to to prepare Shabbat meals for the brave
Bernice Meyers$250
Bobbee Kramer$50
I am so proud of your efforts on behalf of the brave Israeli military men and women.
Ronna Harris Askin$72
Kol HaKavode
Mimi & Jack Halpern$102
In honor of the brave soldiers and your heroic efforts.
david eisner$500
Tanya Freedman$40
The Freedmans and Wexlers of Thornhill
Rivka Saks$100
Ruth Greenbaum$54
Miriam lakein$180
Vadim Zarkhine$25
Austin Glicher$36
Georgette Abramowitz$108
Am Yisrael Chai
Bernard Papernick$180
Rosalie Cometz$100
You r very special. I am a friend of Marlene and happy to support u. Rosalie
Julie Paris$100
Robin Zuckerman$50
Tanya Freedman$170
The Freedmans and Wexlers from Toronto
Dorothy Melvin$54
Chasdei HaShem
Good luck Yehudis and Nathan. You both are doing amazing work. Keep it up. You are a blessing to Israel and all the soldiers. Warmest regards, Jonathan Granowitz
Terry Lefkowitz$360
Rivkah Parshan$10
Chaya Mushka Deray$36
Sara Weinstein$18
Miriam l$180
Tziporah Waternov$150
Neil Thalheim$180
Dorothy Melvin$54
Deborah Rosen$75
Naima Engel$100
Menachem M Perlman$50
pat wolf$36
Nili Salem$100
dakota sands$26
Marina Kaplan$36
In honor of my friend of my friend Tatyana Tova bat Tova and 3rd Yirtzeit of Shoshana bat Uziel Thanks for your chessed! Simchas
Esther Shkedi$36
All the strength and blessings🤍🤍 thank you for looking after our family
barbara meshchaninov$180
Chana Fishman$18
Wolberg Elec - Jay & Binah Bindell$500
Jay & Binah Bindell
Esther Laufer$18
Rita Krimus$50
Yael Karoutchi$50
Marcelle Sandel$100
Elisheva Kirschenbaum$5
Harriet Hartman$50
Maya Hartman$100
Gregory Haft$50
Rosie Weinreich$20
Perry Steiner$54
Kate Judd$36
Miriam l$180
susan rahmani$360
helene wishnev$36
Yasher Koach Yehudis and Nathan and all the volunteers who help them in the huge mitzvah of feeding our soldiers!!
Arel R. Mishory$36
Raquel raksin$50
Rosalind Baruch$100
Peri Rothman$50
Barbara Herscovici$100
David Silverman$180
Thanks for all that you do! Am Yisrael Chai! Love, Uncle David and Erica
Dorothy Melvin$54
May all the soldiers quickly and victorious come home
Robert B Elkins$36
Jamie A. Wolfe$180
Gd watch over all our holy soldiers and bless all Am Israel in Eretz Israel ..may we all do mitzvot
Elizabeth Cayne$20
Yisrael Sandler$32
Amy Guterson$180
Yehudis- u are amazing and we love you!!! The Gutersons
melissa blatt$50
Rafael Gutierrez$50
Joseph Johnson$100
Meala Shvets$18
Laura krell$38
Am yisrael chai
Adina Tilson$100
William Curran$100
Laura Huebner$300
Max Voshchin$100
Kendall Ybarra$18
Thalia Sun Rodriguez$86
Zev Shandalov$50
Zev Shandalov$50
Devorah Stolik$36
Nathan and yehudis sending love and support from olney! You guys are amazing
Elena Esther Balban$100
Mina Braude$100
Francine R. Hoffman$500
Keep up the great work!
Beverly Shapira$100
Marina Kaplan$36
Thanks for all chessed you do!!! I was Shabbat guest on Friday night last March with Tatyana Simchas!!!
Shaina Rochel Kazarnovsky$10
Mordechai Siev$250
Go from Strength to Strength and Bring Moshiach Now!!
Deborah Cohn$18
Shani & Ori Filhart$250
Randee Wechsler$100
Ruth Luchins$5
Moshe and Sara Kayla$72
Tema Leider$26
Sheva chaya Shaiman$18
Jane Falk$100
Lauren Lizerbram$100
David hendrie$1,000
Kol hakavod
Moskowitz Family$100
Roberta Gibli$100
mindy rindenow$120
Marcy Segal$36
Sonia Beame$36
Rachel Halpert$36
Sarita Brooks$100
Nancy Shlomo$100
Jennifer Abrams$50
sherry cohn$50
Joshua Cohn$118
Joanna Weiss$118
Tamara Rosenthal$100
Shloime Nelken$500
Frances Mazer$72
Sharon Saul$180
Moshe and SaraRivka Nash$54
Melissa Small$72
Words can't express the gratitude of your sacrifices!
Eileen Bruskewitz$100
Blumi Rosenfeld$100
Miriam Weiss$360
Rivka Saks$100
James I Linden$50
Keep up the great work!!
yosef fellig$360
Shaul Dahan$1,000
In Honor of my dear Friend Schneur Z Siilverman
Schneur Z Silverman$3,600
Great work!!
Rabbi Yosef and Fraydi$3,600
Moshiach Now!
Eva Barach$250
Barbara Cohen$36
Hatzlacha Rabbah
Joel Solomon$500
Azaria and Hennie Weiman$180
Gabriel Ammar$3,000
Andrew Ratner$180
Katie Holliday$20
Lana Grumberg$36
In memory and soul elevation of Shlomo ben Liora
Anthony Cowles$36
Joan Junger$360
Chana Gavin$180
Mark Lewis$180
Diane Daskal Ruben$50
Mona Morstein$36
You guys rock! Am Yisrael Chai!
Joelle Librowicz$54
sara mayberg$36
Basya Katz$50
Richard Ratner$50
Chanie Rapoport$180
Rivka Schochet$100
Sarah & Moshe Moyal$36
Kol hakavod! May all of our soldiers have complete & imminent victory over all of our enemies & may they come home safely with all of the hostages now!
Rachelle S Ellis$36
Rochel Tombosky$1,500
In honor and with deep gratitude to Hashem for the healthy pregnancy and delivery of two granddaughters and another grandchild on the way. Thank you Hashem
thank you for your precious work
Talie Kramer$50
Deborah Wolf$100
Sholom Leverton$180
Sharon Cosby$18
Sharon Cosby$18
Gittel Weiss$100
Keith Zimmet$500
Golda Fukesman$250
Sharon Cosby$50
Refuah shlemah for Ora bat Rena.
Laurie Rappeport$500
Rosalie Cometz$100
Your mission to feed Israeli solders is wonderful. Rosalie friend of Marlene S
Marlene Silverman$1,000
We are happy to help our granddaughter feed the soldiers Our donation today is in memory of Dr Jerry Herman, our beloved friend - Marlene & Art Silverman
Steven J Silverman$1,875
General Wire Spring Company
Esther Zibell$110
Thank for your great mitsva
tyrone jackson$300
helene wishnev$36
Joanne Perelman$180
Sivan Reese$18
Dorothy Melvin$118
Elisheva Nikop$18
Yizkor, in memory of my beloved family members, miss you all
Robert Silverman$118
Nechama Marcus$210
Moshe&SaraRivka Nash$54
Shmuel and Sara Weinstein$100
In honor of the great work of Yehudis Hoffman and our IDF HEROES!
Shaina saks$180
Sharon L Saul$100
Blumi Rosenfeld$100
Erica Zimmerman$180
Dini Reichman Weiss$180
Kol HaKavod you Rockstar!!!
Nancy Shlomo$180
Rivka Saks$100
Gittel Weiss$18
Miriam Weiss$200
Laura Huebner$360
Barbara Estrin$50
Larissa Kushkuley$18
Nechama Marcus$280
Malka Akerman$500
Dara Nathan$50
Rochie Smetana$180
Fruma Dina Reichman$54
Baila Sherbin$72
For Mishloach Manot for our soliders!! You're a queen, Yehudis!
Yehuda Popack$100
Caitlin Miller$140.40
Francine Hoffman$100
Barbara Cohn$36
John Bruning$50
Amy Klein$20
Ion Nicolae$100
Miriam l$360
Ahava Margaretten$18
Michael Schall$250
Proud to support Shabbat meals and nourish hearts of heroes
Miriam Weiss$100
Miriam Weiss$100
Milton L Zimmerman$200
Dorothy Melvin$118
Susan Goldrich$250
Roselle Zaret$360
Leanna Kramer$100
Ariel Shattan$108
Sara Greenberg$36
Nina Bruder$100
tyrone jackson$300
Wolberg Elec Sply / Binah Bindell$250
Happy Birthday Binah
Joseph galligan$50
Happy Birthday Binah Bindell$250
Happy Birthday Binah Bindell!
tyrone jackson$200
Benjamin Truman$500
Golda Fukesman$236
Laurie Rappeport$250
Ruth Feldman$40
tyrone jackson$300
Golda Schreiber$180
Wolberg Elec & Bindell Family$500
From Wolberg Electric and The Bindell Family
Miriam l$100
David Rentz$500
Sherry K Maher$100
My friend Binah Bindel impressed me by cooking for the soldiers and I wanted to help. Wish I could send more.
Annette Poizner$200
Marlene Silverman$500
Happy to help feed the soldiers and honor Sid Somers on his 90th birthday
Anita Zager$36
Ruth Feldman$35
Miriam Weiss$100
Moshe&SaraRivka Nash$100
Blumi Rosenfeld$100
Rivka Saks$100
Sharon L Saul$180
Amy Elkins$36
Nancy Shlomo$180
Miriam l$180
Yasher koach jude💕
Bassie baruch$100
Keep going! U guys are amazing! 💗
The Jewish Care Network of Greater Pheonix$600
Rebecca I Bowman$5,000
May the Lord bless you! The Isaacs Foundation
Margaret Nuzzo$50
Judy Howard$750
Miriam l$180
Shayna Rehberg-Paquin$36
Pinny and Rivky Herman$140
Hatzlacha with your holy work!
Ayala Rosenthal$100
Hindy Scheiner$250
Lara Vartikovskaia$100
Blumi Rosenfeld$100
Eli and Shulamis Rothman$100
Yasher koach.
Kathleen Fee$100
Zelda Volkov$360
Dorothy Melvin$118
Ruven Leibovitch$120
Ellen & Mark Wright$50
Barry and Shelley Segal$100
With gratitude to our brave soldiers!
Annette Poizner$200
Keep up the good work!
Barry Mandel$100
Hilary Kramer$50
Annette Poizner$200
Ellen Koch$36
Shoshana weiss$505
Yaella Depietri$36
Jill -Nechama Nadborny$70
Larry Solomon$500
Rachel Spangenthal$300
Lauren Lizerbram$100
Deborah Rosen$60
Blake Mitkoff$100
Naftali Kaplan$36
Jayna Eliav$50
Steven Glick$50
Yosef Rothman$100
Cindy Partlow$250
Debra & Jerry Goldkind$100
Jodi Stein$36
Such a beautiful mitzvah that you’ve taken on.
Mmi RavNoy$1,000
Ruthie Sperlin$250
Keep up the good work Yehudis!!
Kari sacks$100
Thank you for doing such great mitzvos! I am honored to participate!
Susan valas$500
Thank you for all you are doing. Your help is deeply appreciated
Sara Weinstein$100
chana kaminker$100
Keep on shining on Yehudis! Proud to know you ✨
Chanie Kaminker$100
Chavi Rappaport$50
Laura Huebner$200
Linda Burger$100
etta Feigelstock$36
3n1l6naomi casiro$50
Vicki Holthaus$50
Elizabeth Bersche$100
elka leah drazin$56
aliyah neshama malka Yaakov bat chaim
Baila Sherbin$180
I want to be like Yehudis when I grow up! Happy happy birthday XOXO
Chaya Bassman$54
Robin Yoder$54
Yanky and Devorah Davidson$500
Rivky Davidson$100
Chani Levertov$100
Esther Schulman$180
Wish I could be there to help you cook. Thanks for all you are doing!
Simona Loberant$18
Chana malamud$100
Miriam lakein$180
Happy birthday! You make us proud. Keep up the amazing work
Simone Shapiro$36
Burt Abramowitz$100
Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Rendy Herz$54
Happy Birthday Yehudis! May you be blessed with everything you need and want! You are unbelievable! Sending love from overseas.
Morgana Rasch$18
Susan Berman Kress$250
Melinda Chukran$100
May Hakodesh Baruch Hu protect the IDF and may they victorious now
Daniel Moshinsky$18
Chaya Feigelstock$54
melissa blatt$100
Tova Mordechai$100
Shlomo Silverman$180
Svitlana Shpilman$36
Jacob Moer$50
Amy Cooper$36
Gerrie Atkin$50
I'm happy Amy posted your endeavor!
David Shulman$118
Shaina Rochel Kazarnovsky$18
Hatzlacha Rabba.
Karen Daniels$50
Thank you for your work!
Alexandra Fischer$50
Marcy Cole Cole$118
Jeff Wiener$18
Gittel Weiss$54
Marsha Anderson Bomar$180
Praying for all those impacted by the fighting.
Alyssa Wolfe$36
Theresa Firtell$18
Cheryl Geliebter$36
Cheryl Hendrickson$54
ilan berko$180
Moshe and Matty Bryski$180
helene wishnev$54
Yasher Koach!! You guys are AMAZING!!!
Chana Rosenblum$50
Sylvia Tzila Pilch$36
chanie krasnianski$50
Go Yehudis:) xoxo
Brooke Laric$100
Shaina Mushka Haller$50
Cindy Arnone$50
Elaine Hall$36
Guido Aidenbaum$50
Am Yisroel Chai❤️
Sheini Laine$180
Adina Ackerman$90
Abraham Kanal$50
Donna Feinstein$108
Baruch and Esther Zibell$36
Kol Hakavod! Your work is a big contribution to the complete and quick victory of our soldiers!
Marni Swickle$100
Marina Belenkaia$50
Sharon Cooper$100
Rachelle Kaufman$36
Adi Assouline$100
Chaya Hoffinger$36
Manny judi kanal$50
Mona Morstein$36
Happy Birthday, Yehudis!
Zev & Lieba Rudolph$180
Sima Siev$100
Honored to participate in the weekly cooking, couldn't do it without you Yehudis!!
Daniel bensimon$100
Jacqueline Aidenbaum$18
Steven Fishman$50
Mark Lewis$360
Yankie and Mushkie Shemtov$36
Susan North Gilboa$36
Shternie Rosenfeld$36
Linda Rudolph$180
Chaya Friedman$54
Mitzi Kaitz$500
Thank you for feeding the soldiers. Sending wishes for safety and a quicker end to this war
Gail Mitkoff$1,000
Barbara Rosenstein$25
Rochel Saks$50
Nili Salem$36
Chaim Davidson$100
Thank you. Shabbat Shalom
Amy Schuler$100
Am Yisroel Chai- Keep up your amazing work!
Frances Mazer$108
Nora Cohen$100
Batsheva Batsheva$36
amie weiss$250
Marina Awerbuch$100
Happy Birthday Yehudis! You guys are amazing! Thank you for nourshing our soldiers. The Awerbuchs
Beverly Paulvin$36
Darcy Wallen$36
Sheryl Buchholtz$1,800
Ron and Francine Hoffman$500
Golda Perelman$500
Rabbi Yosef and Fraydi Silverman$1,000
Barbara Estrin$54
Miriam Weiss$100
Yasher koach on your amazing work!
Joel Solomon$500
Barbara Saks$100
General Wire Spring Co$1,800
Moshe & SaraRivka Nash$72
jayne klein$200
Michael Silverman$180
Burt Abramowitz$50
Am Yisrael Chai
amazing stuff - yallah geulah!
Daniel Gelman$36
Zipporah Oliver OAM$100
Esther Meyers$100
Julie Paris$100
Diane Ruben$180
Stacey Reibach$54
Sharon L Saul$180
So proud of you guys! Warmly, Sharon and Charlie Saul
Batsheva Williamson$18
Catherine Tolliver$100
Sharon Stern$18
Blumi Rosenfeld$100
Great work Yehudis!
General Wire Spring Co$1,800