israel thunderbirds
Adi Kahn
Adi Kahn
My name is Adi, Ive been playing softball my whole life alonside my sister Lital. My dad started baseball in Israel, so it’s always been a big part of our family.
Being on the field is the only place where nothing else matters, i am confident in myself and believe in myself. The other aspect is being on a team and working together to win.
This year more than ever it feels important to represent Israel in the European cup tournament.
Please support my effort to represent Israel on the Thunderbirds team in Belgium.
Being on the field is the only place where nothing else matters, i am confident in myself and believe in myself. The other aspect is being on a team and working together to win.
This year more than ever it feels important to represent Israel in the European cup tournament.
Please support my effort to represent Israel on the Thunderbirds team in Belgium.
