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In Memory of

Temple B'nai Israel - Aurora, IL Tu BiShvat in Schools Fundraising Page

Temple B'nai Israel - Aurora, IL

Plant Trees in Israel

Tu BiShvat - the original Earth Day - is February 13. Join hundreds of schools and organizations to celebrate Tu BiShvat Across America with Jewish National Fund-USA and IsraelLINK. Our two-part program includes Tu BiShvat curricula for your school and a fun tree planting contest!

Jewish National Fund-USA has planted over 265 million trees in Israel. While this is an impressive achievement, there is always a need for more. This Tu BiShvat, we are striving to replant the forests in the south and the north that have been decimated by rocket attacks and arson. We encourage every school and student to help continue to rebuild Israel by donating to plant even more trees. We will bloom again!

In addition, this year it is more important than ever to plant:

• To show your love for our homeland
• In recognition of brave IDF soldiers and those on the frontlines
• As a beacon of hope for the hostages and their families
• As a memorial to someone who passed away
• In honor of your heroes and the important people in your life

Celebrate life.
Plant trees now.

Tree Planters Can Win, Too!
This year, when someone plants a tree for Israel, they are entered for a chance to win our Tu BiShvat Sweepstakes!*

2 lucky winners will receive:
•  1 round trip ticket to Israel, courtesy of EL AL
•  1 spot on a Jewish National Fund-USA Volunteer Mission to Israel

The sweepstakes will run until February 13, 2025.

*See official rules for details.


raised of $2,500 goal

Recent Donations

Loraine Green$72
David Berg$54
Norman Kelewitz$36
Marvin Miller$180
In honor of my sister's birthday. (Please send her a notification: Joetta M. Miller, 2106 Carterdale Rd., Baltimore, MD 21209)
Mark and Rhoda Melnicoff$36
Toward the restoration of the Be'eri Forest (in reaction to seeing/hearing about the forests in Los Angeles).
Marilyn Katz$18
Kali Heifetz$108
On behalf of the Heifetz Family, Alex, Kali, Marcus and Jacob
Adele Stein$18
In Memory of my parents. They were proud supporters of Israel, and they passed that along to me.